Has your doctor lied to you?
Eat low-fat and high-carb, including plenty of "healthy" whole grains - does that sound familiar? Perhaps, this is what you were told at your last doctor's appointment or visit with a nutritionist, or perhaps, it is something you read online when searching for a healthy diet. And maybe, you've been misled. Dr. Ken Berry is here to dispel the myths and misinformation that have been perpetuated by the medical and food industries for decades.
This updated and expanded edition of Dr. Berry's best seller Lies My Doctor Told Me exposes the truth behind all kinds of "lies" told by well-meaning but misinformed medical practitioners. Nutritional therapy is often overlooked in medical school, and the information provided to physicians is often outdated. However, the negative consequences on your health remain the same. Advice to avoid healthy fats and stay out of the sun has been proven to be detrimental to longevity and can wreak havoc on your system.
In this audiobook, Dr. Berry will enlighten you about nutrition and life choices, their role in our health, and how to begin an educated conversation with your doctor about finding the right path for you.
This book will teach you:
Come out of the darkness and let Ken Berry be your guide to optimal health and harmony!